Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Seven Seconds Away...From A Shit Sandwich

Aye back in the world o' the Interweb Caff. No particular reason. Just felt like firing oot o' the hoose. Am squeezed intae a booth at an establishment here in the West End. I like this pliss but when it's busy there is very little room. I'm having to breathe in and my gut is wedged against the desk, a situ which never makes me feel that great! 'Player comfort' isn't being increased by the constant toings and froings of some of the punters either. As soon as I start to exhale for a period of more than 30 seconds someone breenges past or maybe says excuse me (not bloody likely) en route to the coonter or to chat wi' their neebors. It ain't newcomers trying to grab a pew tho', the cuffuffle is doon to the present encumbents seemingly playing musical chairs and trying to illustrate 'antsy' in the medium of human movement. An Eddie The Eagle doppleganger is one o' the main culprits. Look Edwards would you fuck off back tae the piste (an artificial slope near Leamington Spa) or to 'Celebrity Bum Fight' or whatever it is yer doin the now. Anyway, I feel a little underwhelmed by this particular Wednesday so far. Up early, off to SVQ training course in Glasgow, get totally knackered due to said early start and the frugality of the entertainment quotient contained in 'reflecting on good practice' and 'identifying forms of abuse' and duly fall asleep in the class. The subject matter is so dry I just can't stay awake after an early start. Every one of these I've been to has seen the same thing- drooping head, drooling, giggling classmates waking me up etc- it's hellish. I literally CANNOT STAY AWAKE at these things. This disinterest has spread to my work on the SVQ itsel. The endless cross-referencing and repetition involved seems completely pointless/unrewarding/draining to me. History has shown that I WILL really struggle with something if I don't want to do it or I just can't be geered or I find it an effort etc etc. I suppose I feel that I ken how to do ma job so time spent in endlessly DISPLAYING that to a 'verifier' does not appeal. Another unappealing thing is listening to Finlay Quaye (how do you spell that?!) which is what I seem to be doing (by default) at the moment. All my life I've hated funky/listener friendly sounds. This kind of Jody my ain warped mind...can only ever appeal to or speak to young bucks who gamboll through life so therefore it can have no meaning to me! On a mair instant level it is insipid/crass/patronising/vapid/upbeat/smarmy/shitey music. When I listen to lifestyle vibes like these I feel as if some 'thing' is trying to forcibly normalise me and that is not an 'intercourse of events' that I want. Aye folk who get laid/ who go to Pivo (crappy club in the 'heart' o' this fair city) regularly/ who can 'flirt' without feeling they're about to get arrested ...and so forth... may feel comfy being within earshot o' Eagle Eye Cherry remixes but for me it feels wrong and vain tho' it may sound..I don't want to align masel wi' yon nubiles to whom it feels right. A quirk o' fate (ha ha ha) and a million pies/nights o' loneliness(!!!!) have 'caused me to be excluded' from their ilk and I'm quite happy wi' that thanks very much! I never looked good in a turtleneck anyway. I feel this may be continued later...


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