Friday, February 10, 2006

Optimum Time

Been a day o' self-reflection I suppose. Have felt pretty whacked since the TLK incident and have veered towards the dark side or at least 'the endless night' which is slightly lower in my personal despair hit parade. In addition to my own brand of 'drifting' and the 'death games' that I involve myself in I've been through all manner o' self analysis, most of it pointless, and have came back to the same place ie I'm hacked off, hurt, discombobulated, whatever. Had a chat wi' CH last night and one wi' KB today tho' which have reminded me of perspective. KB broke the incident down into likely goings on and I was able to see another side to it which I just couldn't before. I suppose he reminded me of who TLK is and helped me focus on how she tends to play things (going by as much as we know!). I get so totally paranoid and fatalistic in these situs and I always imagine the worst. I still want to move on- from job, from flat (this fucking place!), from life (!!!...ha ha) and most importantly from the states of mind I've been in ower the last coupla days. I'll write more the morn. Am genuinely drained. A' that wasted energy...fucking hell..
2. Have seen a few fillims yesterday and the day. Started off with Walk The Line. I know it may have divided opinions in some quarters and it does feature situations that are staples of bio-pics but having said that I liked it a great deal. Old Joaquin Phoenix is a total revelation in it. He has the mannerisms down completely and looks a bit more like him that you might think! It does appear that they did their own singing too and a fine job has been made of it. I was pretty impressed wi' the general package. Don't think you'll get many better biopics(!)...not saying a lot I know but still...saw 'Grizzly Man' tonight. Another fine fine fillim. It's one o' thae descents into madness... but with bears! There are times when you can see that old Treadwell probably wasn't that well a man but there are also many moments when you can see why he seemed to command a high rate of affection from those close to him. The interview bits are pure genius. Wunder Werner has clearly tried to contrive kinda false situations for these and the fact that the interviewees are uncomfortable seems to produce answers that are probably more pertinent than what they would have given if they'd been at ease and these work in drawing you further into Timothy's world and in giving you a sense of what happened...WHEN GRIZZLIES ATTACKED!!...acht that's being flippant. It's a great movie. Go and see it. Try not to go to an evening showing tho' because you have to put up with couples. I know I've ranted before re cinema going crowds but tonight brought it all back. I hate the inevitable reaction of total fear I get when folk see me coming to their row. 'He's not going to sit there is he? 'There's a big person in front of me'!!. These young lovers get quite miffed at the very thought of having to share a room with me. I mean, an obvious singleton going to the cinema? whatever next. Daytime cinema going is the way couples...loads of space...cheaper prices...ideal. After this I went up to The Cameo to see 'Sympathy For Lady Vengeance'. Not seen 'Oldboy' or the other one whatever it's called. No really sure about this. It left me kinda cold- great visuals, great humour and an attempt to say stuff re the effects of violence but it just didn't register at all. The gamers/Tarantino stylised violence buffs behind me (a few longhairs were sighted in the audience too even some longhairs who seemed to be coupled! so 'violent' (not my phrase!) Asian cinema must be going down well wi' the ganja loving post-Crow crowd! Not so many hip young couples at this as there usually are in Edinburgh 'arthouse' cinemas. Maybe they were all in the bar as this seemed to be rammed beyond human endurance. The shackjobs of bourgeois Edinburgh re-enact the black hole of Calcutta in the Orgreave stylee) loved it tho' it 'wasn't as good as the other two' apparently. Rather worryingly their response to the trailer for ' Good Night, and Good Luck' was to ask each other 'what is that film about?' Go back to 'Tekken 2' and your parental contributions you wee bastards...anyway...


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