Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Just thought I'd tell you that I've done my first bit of self editing. Wrote a long post after a very shit day which ended in solitary drunkenness and which contained the heaviest TLK pangs I've had to date as well as much dwelling on hopeless debt, my constant feelings o' the mythical 'lack of connection' etc. Decided not to let you in on all my pish and got rid o' it. Maybe I'll post it one day and give us a' a good hoot. I will tell you one thing tho'. I completely blew the diet in the midst of the torrent of self pity by scoffing a whole can of Pringles and a Pizza as well as a number of pints. Today was not a good day. Surely it can't get worse than this. I sincerely hope that proves to be the case. Hopefully 'normal' service will resume the morn...


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