Monday, January 23, 2006

Von Bingen

Seeing as I abandoned plans to become a registered 'slimmer' this afternoon, I went to see 'Brokeback Mountain' instead! It did pretty much everything that folk have said about it and it was none the worse for that- a pretty extraordinary performance from old Barry Ledger and plenty of longing and pretty wars with feelings hid. Aye I liked it a great deal. It genuinely was 'elegaic'! Hotly recommended I think. On return frae the cinema I bought a load of veggies and fruit and then promptly scoffed the only fatty thing I had in the house. I was ravenous. Fuckin' hell man, I know now I've got a long way to go with this. I need to plan my shit and make a TOTAL change...eek...Watch this space and don't forgot about those scales!...they're 'lying out there like a killer in the sun'...good lord...the night time may well be the right time to pull all the dimes from your pocket/ climb on the rocket but it is very much the wrong time for me when it comes to appetite. I just crave junk food at this time of the day. It's quite bizarre- about a year ago I was on meds for depression and anxiety and between the 2 of them they caused my weight to totally balloon. My appetite just went through the roof and it's never really came down even tho' I've been off both tabs since Feb/March. I feel it big time at night and it'sno much fun if you know you desperately have to lose many pounds. I was about to say that I think of TLK more at night but that would be a lie- I never really stop thinking about her!- Jeez boom boom boom let me hear you say teen angst...wey o...


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